Open Access
2012 Stability of a functional equation of Whitehead on semigroups
Valeriy A‎. ‎Fa\u iziev, Prasanna K‎. ‎Sahoo
Ann. Funct. Anal. 3(2): 32-57 (2012). DOI: 10.15352/afa/1399899931


‎Let $S$ be a semigroup and $X$ a Banach space‎. ‎The functional‎ ‎equation $\varphi (xyz)‎+ ‎\varphi (x)‎ + ‎\varphi (y)‎ + ‎\varphi (z) =‎ ‎\varphi (xy)‎ + ‎\varphi (yz)‎ + ‎\varphi (xz)$ is said to be stable for‎ ‎the pair $(X‎, ‎S)$ if and only if $f‎: ‎S\to X$ satisfying $\|‎ ‎f(xyz)+f(x)‎ + ‎f(y)‎ + ‎f(z)‎ - ‎f(xy)‎- ‎f(yz)-f(xz)\| \leq \delta $ for‎ ‎some positive real number $\delta$ and all $x‎, ‎y‎, ‎z \in S$‎, ‎there is‎ ‎a solution $\varphi‎ : ‎S \to X$ such that $f-\varphi$ is bounded‎. ‎In‎ ‎this paper‎, ‎among others‎, ‎we prove the following results‎: ‎1) this‎ ‎functional equation‎, ‎in general‎, ‎is not stable on an arbitrary‎ ‎semigroup; 2) this equation is stable on periodic semigroups; 3)‎ ‎this equation is stable on abelian semigroups; 4) any semigroup with‎ ‎left (or right) law of reduction can be embedded into a semigroup‎ ‎with left (or right) law of reduction where this equation is stable‎. ‎The main results of this paper generalize the works of Jung [J‎. ‎Math‎. ‎Anal‎. ‎Appl‎. ‎222 (1998)‎, ‎126--137]‎, ‎Kannappan [Results Math‎. ‎27‎ ‎(1995)‎, ‎368--372] and Fechner [J‎. ‎Math‎. ‎Anal‎. ‎Appl‎. ‎322 (2006)‎, ‎774--786]‎.


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Valeriy A‎. ‎Fa\u iziev. Prasanna K‎. ‎Sahoo. "Stability of a functional equation of Whitehead on semigroups." Ann. Funct. Anal. 3 (2) 32 - 57, 2012.


Published: 2012
First available in Project Euclid: 12 May 2014

MathSciNet: MR2948387
Digital Object Identifier: 10.15352/afa/1399899931

Primary: 39B82
Secondary: 46L99

Keywords: Bimorphism‎ , ‎embedding‎ , ‎free groups , ‎periodic semigroup , stability of functional equation

Rights: Copyright © 2012 Tusi Mathematical Research Group

Vol.3 • No. 2 • 2012
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