Open Access
2014 Observer Based Traction/Braking Control Design for High Speed Trains Considering Adhesion Nonlinearity
Wenchuan Cai, Wenhao Liao, Danyong Li, Yongduan Song
Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014(SI23): 1-10 (2014). DOI: 10.1155/2014/968017


Train traction/braking control, one of the key enabling technologies for automatic train operation, literally takes its action through adhesion force. However, adhesion coefficient of high speed train (HST) is uncertain in general because it varies with wheel-rail surface condition and running speed; thus, it is extremely difficult to be measured, which makes traction/braking control design and implementation of HSTs greatly challenging. In this work, force observers are applied to estimate the adhesion force or/and the resistance, based on which simple traction/braking control schemes are established under the consideration of actual wheel-rail adhesion condition. It is shown that the proposed controllers have simple structure and can be easily implemented from real applications. Numerical simulation also validates the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.


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Wenchuan Cai. Wenhao Liao. Danyong Li. Yongduan Song. "Observer Based Traction/Braking Control Design for High Speed Trains Considering Adhesion Nonlinearity." Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014 (SI23) 1 - 10, 2014.


Published: 2014
First available in Project Euclid: 2 October 2014

zbMATH: 07023417
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1155/2014/968017

Rights: Copyright © 2014 Hindawi

Vol.2014 • No. SI23 • 2014
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