Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability
June 20-July 30, 1960 | Statistical Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability

F. J. Anscombe

Richard Bellman

Z. W. Birnbaum

David Blackwell

L. Breiman

Herman Chernoff

Y. S. Chow
Herbert Robbins

D. R. Cox

Tore Dalenius
Jaroslav Hájek
Stefan Zubrzycki

H. E. Daniels

George B. Dantzig
Albert Medansky

F. N. David
Evelyn Fix

Bruno De Finetti

R. L. Dobrushin

Thomas S. Ferguson

R. Fortet

J. L. Hodges
E. L. Lehmann

Harold Hotelling

W. James
Charles Stein

J. Kiefer

Tosio Kitagawa

William Kruskal

D. V. Lindley

Emanuel Parzen

Roy Radner

C. Radhakrishna Rao

Alfréd Rényi

Herman Rubin

Leonard J. Savage

L. Schmetterer

Claude E. Shannon

Herbert Solomon

Antonín Špaček

A. J. Thomasian

John W. Tukey

I. Vincze

S. S. Wilks

Herman O. A. Wold

J. Wolfowitz