Euclid Prime Collections

Euclid Prime is a growing collection of high-impact, peer-reviewed titles in theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics hosted by Project Euclid.

Institutions are invited to review and nominate additional titles for inclusion.

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2025 Euclid Prime Collection

Please see below for a list of titles included in the Euclid Prime collection. 

Included Content

Subscription Pricing

At this time, subscription access to Euclid Prime is only available to institutions. Pricing and ordering information is available in the Euclid Prime prices and ordering instructions.

Site License

The site license for Euclid Prime is available for download.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the most frequently asked questions about the Euclid Prime collection. If you cannot find the answer to your question please contact customer support at If you have a general question about Project Euclid, please visit the Project Euclid FAQ.

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