VOL. 51 · NO. 3 | June 2023
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), (June 2023)
No abstract available
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), (June 2023)
No abstract available
Dylan J. Foster, Vasilis Syrgkanis
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 879-908, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2258
KEYWORDS: Statistical learning, Double machine learning, Neyman orthogonality, Policy learning, treatment effects, local Rademacher complexity, 62G08, 62C20, 62D20
Botond Szabó, Lasse Vuursteen, Harry van Zanten
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 909-934, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2269
KEYWORDS: Distributed methods, nonparametric, Hypothesis testing, minimax optimal, 62G10, 62F30, 62F03
Emmanuel Pilliat, Alexandra Carpentier, Nicolas Verzelen
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 935-961, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2271
KEYWORDS: Bi-isotonic matrices, ranking, sub-Gaussian noise, 62C20
Frank Röttger, Sebastian Engelke, Piotr Zwiernik
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 962-1004, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2272
KEYWORDS: Convex optimization, Extreme value theory, covariance mapping, graph Laplacians, total positivity, 60G70, 62H22, 15B48
Asaf Weinstein, Weijie J. Su, Małgorzata Bogdan, Rina Foygel Barber, Emmanuel J. Candès
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1005-1029, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2274
KEYWORDS: Knockoffs, Variable selection, false discovery rate (FDR), power analysis, high-dimensional regression, 62F03, 62F07, 62F05, 62F12
Harrison H. Li, Art B. Owen
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1030-1057, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2275
KEYWORDS: Constrained optimal design, compound design, equivalence theorem, cutoff design, D-optimality, regression discontinuity, 62K05
Quan Zhou, Hyunwoong Chang
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1058-1085, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2280 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Finite Markov chains, greedy equivalence search (GES), locally informed proposals, Poincaré-type inequality, random walk Metropolis–Hastings, rapid mixing, strong selection consistency, 62F15, 62J05
Eddie Aamari, Clément Berenfeld, Clément Levrard
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1086-1108, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2281
KEYWORDS: Geometric inference, reach, metric learning, manifold learning, minimax risk, 62G05, 62C20, 68U05
Xiao Han, Qing Yang, Yingying Fan
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1109-1133, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2282
KEYWORDS: Rank inference, robustness, low-rank models, high dimensionality, asymptotic expansions, eigenvectors, Eigenvalues, large random matrices, 62F03, 62F12, 60B20, 62F35
Ismaïla Ba, Jean-François Coeurjolly, Francisco Cuevas-Pacheco
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1134-1158, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2284
KEYWORDS: spatial statistics, Gibbs point process, orthogonal series estimator, pairwise interaction function, 62H11, 60G55, 62J07, 65C60, 97K80
Akio Fujiwara, Koichi Yamagata
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1159-1182, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2285 Open Access
KEYWORDS: quantum statistics, local asymptotic normality, asymptotic representation theorem, Asymptotic efficiency, regular estimator, Minimax estimator, 62F12, 81P50, 62A01
Yuanzhe Xu, Sumit Mukherjee
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1183-1206, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2286
KEYWORDS: Ising model, limits of experiments, phase transition, asymptotic power, Asymptotic efficiency, 62H22, 62E20, 62F05, 62F12
Xiucai Ding, Zhou Zhou
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1207-1231, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2288
KEYWORDS: nonstationary time series, AR approximation, high-dimensional convex Gaussian approximation, multiplier bootstrap, globally optimal forecasting, 62M10, 62M20, 60G07
Xin Bing, Marten Wegkamp
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1232-1257, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2289
KEYWORDS: High-dimensional classification, latent factor model, principal component regression, Dimension reduction, discriminant analysis, Optimal rate of convergence, 62H12, 62J07
Marc Hoffmann, Mathias Trabs
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1258-1281, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2290
KEYWORDS: Nonparametric estimation and minimax theory, Point processes, statistical inference across scales, dispersal models, Deconvolution, 62G05, 62G07, 62M30, 60G57
Rong Tang, Yun Yang
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1282-1308, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2291
KEYWORDS: adversarial training, Generative model, Distribution estimation, Manifold, Minimax rate, partition of unity, 62C20, 62G07, 62G05
Victor Chernozhukov, Christian Hansen, Yuan Liao, Yinchu Zhu
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1309-1330, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2293
KEYWORDS: singular value thresholding, sample splitting, incoherent eigenvectors, 62H25, 62F12
John H.J. Einmahl, Yi He
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1331-1356, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2294 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Extreme value statistics, functional central limit theorem, heterogeneous scales model, Hill estimator, nonidentical distributions, weighted tail empirical process, 62G32, 62G20, 62G30, 60G70, 60F17
Joe Marion, Joseph Mathews, Scott C. Schmidler
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1357-1375, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2295
KEYWORDS: sequential Monte Carlo, computational complexity, Bayesian computation, 65C60, 65C60, 60J22
Kang Wang, Subhashis Ghosal
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1376-1400, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2298
KEYWORDS: isotonic regression, credible interval, limiting coverage, Gaussian process, Block isotonization, immersion posterior, 62G08, 62F15, 62G05, 62G20
Moïse Blanchard, Patrick Jaillet
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1401-1426, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2299
KEYWORDS: statistical learning theory, consistency, nonparametric estimation, generalization, Stochastic processes, online learning, metric spaces, 62C05, 62J02, 97K80, 60G20, 54E70
Jiaxin Qiu, Zeng Li, Jianfeng Yao
Ann. Statist. 51 (3), 1427-1451, (June 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2300
KEYWORDS: asymptotic normality, Linear spectral statistics, general sample covariance matrix, ultra-dimension, matrix white noise, separable covariance, 62H10, 62H15
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