Open Access
November 1999 Bayesian model averaging: a tutorial (with comments by M. Clyde, David Draper and E. I. George, and a rejoinder by the authors
Jennifer A. Hoeting, David Madigan, Adrian E. Raftery, Chris T. Volinsky
Statist. Sci. 14(4): 382-417 (November 1999). DOI: 10.1214/ss/1009212519


Standard statistical practice ignores model uncertainty. Data analysts typically select a model from some class of models and then proceed as if the selected model had generated the data. This approach ignores the uncertainty in model selection, leading to over-confident inferences and decisions that are more risky than one thinks they are. Bayesian model averaging (BMA)provides a coherent mechanism for accounting for this model uncertainty. Several methods for implementing BMA have recently emerged. We discuss these methods and present a number of examples.In these examples, BMA provides improved out-of-sample predictive performance. We also provide a catalogue of currently available BMA software.


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Jennifer A. Hoeting. David Madigan. Adrian E. Raftery. Chris T. Volinsky. "Bayesian model averaging: a tutorial (with comments by M. Clyde, David Draper and E. I. George, and a rejoinder by the authors." Statist. Sci. 14 (4) 382 - 417, November 1999.


Published: November 1999
First available in Project Euclid: 24 December 2001

zbMATH: 1059.62525
MathSciNet: MR1765176
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/ss/1009212519

Keywords: Bayesian graphical models , Bayesian model averaging , learning , Markov chain Monte Carlo , model uncertainty

Rights: Copyright © 1999 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.14 • No. 4 • November 1999
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