Open Access
January 1998 - April 2000 Algebraic equivalents of Kurepa's Hypotheses
R. M. Dimitrić
Mod. Log. 8(1-2): 28-46 (January 1998 - April 2000).


Kurepa trees have proved to be a very useful concept with ever growing applications in diverse mathematical areas. We give a brief survey of equivalent statements in algebra, particularly in valuated vector spaces, abelian $p$-groups and non-abelian periodic groups. The survey is prefaced by an outline of the illustrious history of Kurepa's Hypothesis. An interesting aspect of the work in this area is the equivalence (via Kurepa's Hypotheses) of some statements in abelian group theory with statements in non-abelian group theory. This kind of relationship would be hard to establish, without Kurepa trees. The goal of the paper is to alert as well as familiarize the readers with this active research amalgam of set theory and algebra, but also to entice at least some to take part in the work.


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R. M. Dimitrić. "Algebraic equivalents of Kurepa's Hypotheses." Mod. Log. 8 (1-2) 28 - 46, January 1998 - April 2000.


Published: January 1998 - April 2000
First available in Project Euclid: 13 April 2004

zbMATH: 1021.03038
MathSciNet: MR1834716

Primary: 03E35
Secondary: 03E05 , 20A15 , 20K10

Keywords: $C_{\omega_1}$-group , abelian $p$-group , balanced projective dimension , classes ${\cal Z}_{\kappa}$ and ${\cal Y}_{\kappa}$ , disco group , discy group , Easton forcing , extraspecial groups , FC-groups , Kurepa's hypothesis , the Tor functor , valuated vector space , weak Kurepa Tree

Rights: Copyright © 2000 The Review of Modern Logic

Vol.8 • No. 1-2 • January 1998 - April 2000
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