Open Access
2012/2013 Pointwise Monotonic Functions and Generalized Subadditivity
Janusz Matkowski
Real Anal. Exchange 38(1): 33-62 (2012/2013).


A criterion of continuity and monotonicity of one-to-one pointwise monotonic functions is proved. We apply them in the theory of generalized subadditive functions. Some open problems are presented.


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Janusz Matkowski. "Pointwise Monotonic Functions and Generalized Subadditivity." Real Anal. Exchange 38 (1) 33 - 62, 2012/2013.


Published: 2012/2013
First available in Project Euclid: 29 April 2013

zbMATH: 1270.39018
MathSciNet: MR3083197

Primary: ‎39B62
Secondary: 26A48 , 26A51‎

Keywords: Convex functions , generalizations , linear inequality , pointwise monotonic function , subadditive functions

Rights: Copyright © 2012 Michigan State University Press

Vol.38 • No. 1 • 2012/2013
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