Open Access
2000/2001 Hölder Spectrum of Typical Monotone Continuous Functions
Zoltán Buczolich, Judit Nagy
Real Anal. Exchange 26(1): 133-156 (2000/2001).


We compute the Hölder spectrum and the moment sums of the typical (in the sense of Baire category) monotone continuous function, $f$. We show that these functions are of multifractal nature, for example $\alpha$ equals the Hausdorff dimension of those points where such a function, $f$ is of exact Hölder class $\alpha\in [0,1].$ We also prove that $f$ "grows" only at those points where it has bad Hölder properties, that is, at those points where it is of Hölder class $0.$ The upper moment sum $\overline{\tau}_f (q)=0$ if $q <0,$ $\overline{\tau}_f (q)=0=1-q$ if $0\leq q\leq 1,$ and $\overline{\tau}_f (q)=0$ if $1< q.$ The lower moment sum $\underline{\tau}_f (q)=1-q$ if $q<0,$ $\underline{\tau}_f (q)=0$ if $0\leq q\leq 1,$ and $\underline{\tau}_f (q)=1-q$ if $1<q.$


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Zoltán Buczolich. Judit Nagy. "Hölder Spectrum of Typical Monotone Continuous Functions." Real Anal. Exchange 26 (1) 133 - 156, 2000/2001.


Published: 2000/2001
First available in Project Euclid: 2 January 2009

zbMATH: 1014.26503
MathSciNet: MR1825500

Primary: 26A16 , Primary28A80
Secondary: 26A48 , 58F12

Keywords: H\"older spectrum , moment sum , typical monotone continuous function

Rights: Copyright © 2000 Michigan State University Press

Vol.26 • No. 1 • 2000/2001
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