The Coleman-Ihara formula expresses Soule's $p$-adic characters restricted to $p$-local Galois group as the Coates-Wiles homomorphism multiplied by $p$-adic $L$-values at positive integers. In this paper, we show an analogous formula that $\ell$-adic polylogarithmic characters for $\ell=p$ restrict to the Coates-Wiles homomorphism multiplied by Coleman's $p$-adic polylogarithms at any roots of unity of order prime to $p$.
Hiroaki Nakamura. Kenji Sakugawa. Zdzisław Wojtkowiak. "Polylogarithmic analogue of the Coleman-Ihara formula, I." Osaka J. Math. 54 (1) 55 - 74, January 2017.