Open Access
March 2005 The orientability of small covers and coloring simple polytopes
Hisashi Nakayama, Yasuzo Nishimura
Osaka J. Math. 42(1): 243-256 (March 2005).


Small Cover is an $n$-dimensional manifold endowed with a $\mathbf{Z}_2^n$ action whose orbit space is a simple convex polytope $P$. It is known that a small cover over $P$ is characterized by a coloring of $P$ which satisfies a certain condition. In this paper we shall investigate the topology of small covers by the coloring theory in combinatorics. We shall first give an orientability condition for a small cover. In case $n=3$, an orientable small cover corresponds to a four colored polytope. The four color theorem implies the existence of orientable small cover over every simple convex $3$-polytope. Moreover we shall show the existence of non-orientable small cover over every simple convex $3$-polytope, except the $3$-simplex.


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Hisashi Nakayama. Yasuzo Nishimura. "The orientability of small covers and coloring simple polytopes." Osaka J. Math. 42 (1) 243 - 256, March 2005.


Published: March 2005
First available in Project Euclid: 21 July 2006

zbMATH: 1065.05041
MathSciNet: MR2132014

Rights: Copyright © 2005 Osaka University and Osaka City University, Departments of Mathematics

Vol.42 • No. 1 • March 2005
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