Open Access
2008 On generalized modular forms and their applications
Winfried Kohnen, Geoffrey Mason
Nagoya Math. J. 192: 119-136 (2008).


We study the Fourier coefficients of generalized modular forms $f(\tau)$ of integral weight $k$ on subgroups $\Gamma$ of finite index in the modular group. We establish two Theorems asserting that $f(\tau)$ is constant if $k = 0$, $f(\tau)$ has empty divisor, and the Fourier coefficients have certain rationality properties. (The result is false if the rationality assumptions are dropped.) These results are applied to the case that $f(\tau)$ has a cuspidal divisor, $k$ is arbitrary, and $\Gamma = \Gamma_{0}(N)$, where we show that $f(\tau)$ is modular, indeed an eta-quotient, under natural rationality assumptions on the Fourier coefficients. We also explain how these results apply to the theory of orbifold vertex operator algebras.


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Winfried Kohnen. Geoffrey Mason. "On generalized modular forms and their applications." Nagoya Math. J. 192 119 - 136, 2008.


Published: 2008
First available in Project Euclid: 22 December 2008

zbMATH: 1223.11051
MathSciNet: MR2477614

Primary: 11F03 , 11F99 , 17B69

Rights: Copyright © 2008 Editorial Board, Nagoya Mathematical Journal

Vol.192 • 2008
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