The fundamental germ is a generalization of $\pi_{1}$, first defined for laminations which arise through group actions [4]. In this paper, the fundamental germ is extended to any lamination having a dense leaf admitting a smooth structure. In addition, an amplification of the fundamental germ called the mother germ is constructed, which is, unlike the fundamental germ, a topological invariant. The fundamental germs of the antenna lamination and the $PSL(2, \mathbb{Z})$ lamination are calculated, laminations for which the definition in [4] was not available. The mother germ is used to give a new proof of a Nielsen theorem for the algebraic universal cover of a closed surface of hyperbolic type.
T. M. Gendron. "The geometric theory of the fundamental germ." Nagoya Math. J. 190 1 - 34, 2008.