Open Access
2005 Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: Models of π-Institutions
George Voutsadakis
Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 46(4): 439-460 (2005). DOI: 10.1305/ndjfl/1134397662


An important part of the theory of algebraizable sentential logics consists of studying the algebraic semantics of these logics. As developed by Czelakowski, Blok, and Pigozzi and Font and Jansana, among others, it includes studying the properties of logical matrices serving as models of deductive systems and the properties of abstract logics serving as models of sentential logics. The present paper contributes to the development of the categorical theory by abstracting some of these model theoretic aspects and results from the level of sentential logics to the level of π-institutions.


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George Voutsadakis. "Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: Models of π-Institutions." Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 46 (4) 439 - 460, 2005.


Published: 2005
First available in Project Euclid: 12 December 2005

zbMATH: 1089.03058
MathSciNet: MR2183054
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1305/ndjfl/1134397662

Primary: 03Gxx
Secondary: 18Axx , 68N05

Keywords: abstract algebraic logic , adjunctions , algebraizable deductive systems , algebraizable institutions , algebraizable sentential logics , deductive systems , equivalent deductive systems , equivalent institutions , institutions , Leibniz congruence , Tarski congruence

Rights: Copyright © 2005 University of Notre Dame

Vol.46 • No. 4 • 2005
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