Recent Developments in Multiple Comparison Procedures

Editor(s) Y. Benjamini, F. Bretz, S. Sarkar

IMS Lecture Notes Monogr. Ser., 47: 156pp. (2004). DOI: 10.1214/lnms/1196285619
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Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, - (2004). Open Access
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, - (2004). Open Access
Y. Benjamini , F. Bretz , S. Sarkar
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, v-vi (2004). Open Access
John R. Donoghue
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 1-23 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: Shaffer’s procedure, multiple comparisons, familywise error rate, pairwise comparisons, National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP, 62J15
Alan Genz , Frank Bretz , Yosef Hochberg
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 24-32 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: multivariate $t$ distribution, multiple comparisons, 62H15, 62P10
Martin Hellmich , Gerhard Hommel
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 33-47 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: multiple testing, adaptive designs, multiple hypotheses, multiple endpoints, multiple treatments, 62-02, 62L99
Manfred Horn , Charles W. Dunnett
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 48-64 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: multiple comparison procedures, false discovery rate, familywise error rate, any-pair power, all-pairs power, per-pair power, average power, sample size, comparisons with control, 62F03, 62J15
Jason C. Hsu , Peihua Qiu , Lin Yee Hin , Donald O. Mutti , Karla Zadnik
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 65-75 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: multiple comparisons, receiver operating characteristic, ROC, sensitivity, specificity, 92B15, 62P10
Brent R. Logan , Ajit C. Tamhane
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 76-88 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: clinical trials, one-sided multivariate test, homoscedastic, heteroscedastic, 62J15, 62P10
Sanat K. Sarkar , Pranab K. Sen , Helmut Finner
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 89-99 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: type III errors, augmented step-down procedure, TP$_2$ distributions, step-up-step-down procedure, monotonicity of critical values, 62F03
Paul N. Somerville
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 100-118 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: FDR, multiplicity, multiple comparison procedures, step-down and step-up procedures, minimum critical value, high dimensional data, 62F03
John D. Spurrier , Eleanne Solorzano
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, >119-128 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: fractional improvement, incomplete block, nonparametric, one-way layout, simultaneous confidence intervals, simultaneous tests, primary 62F25, 62G15, 62F03, 62G10
Klaus Strassburger , Frank Bretz , Yosef Hochberg
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 129-142 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: multiple hypotheses testing, min-test, partitioning principle, gold standard clinical trials, stepwise testing, 62F03, 62J15
Peter H. Westfall , Siegfried Kropf , Livio Finos
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 143-154 (2004). Open Access
KEYWORDS: a-priori ordered hypotheses, gene expression, multiple comparisons, 62F03, 62F07, 62C25, 62E17
Yosef Hochberg
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series Vol. 47, 155-156 (2004). Open Access
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