March 2012 On properties of (weakly) small groups
Cédric Milliet
J. Symbolic Logic 77(1): 94-110 (March 2012). DOI: 10.2178/jsl/1327068693


A group is small if it has only countably many complete n-types over the empty set for each natural number n. More generally, a group G is weakly small if it has only countably many complete 1-types over every finite subset of G. We show here that in a weakly small group, subgroups which are definable with parameters lying in a finitely generated algebraic closure satisfy the descending chain conditions for their traces in any finitely generated algebraic closure. An infinite weakly small group has an infinite abelian subgroup, which may not be definable. A small nilpotent group is the central product of a definable divisible group with a definable one of bounded exponent. In a group with simple theory, any set of pairwise commuting elements is contained in a definable finite-by-abelian subgroup. First corollary: a weakly small group with simple theory has an infinite definable finite-by-abelian subgroup. Secondly, in a group with simple theory, a solvable group A of derived length n is contained in an A-definable almost solvable group of class at most 2n-1.


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Cédric Milliet. "On properties of (weakly) small groups." J. Symbolic Logic 77 (1) 94 - 110, March 2012.


Published: March 2012
First available in Project Euclid: 20 January 2012

zbMATH: 1243.03052
MathSciNet: MR2951631
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2178/jsl/1327068693

Primary: 03C45, 03C60, 20E45, 20E99, 20F18, 20F24

Keywords: Cantor-Bendixson rank , group in a simple theory , infinite abelian subgroup , infinite finite-by-abelian subgroup , local chain condition , nilpotent group , Small group , weakly small group

Rights: Copyright © 2012 Association for Symbolic Logic


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Vol.77 • No. 1 • March 2012
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