We study the connection between Schnorr triviality and genericity. We show that while no 2-generic is Turing equivalent to a Schnorr trivial and no 1-generic is tt-equivalent to a Schnorr trivial, there is a 1-generic that is Turing equivalent to a Schnorr trivial. However, every such 1-generic must be high. As a corollary, we prove that not all K-trivials are Schnorr trivial. We also use these techniques to extend a previous result and show that the bases of cones of Schnorr trivial Turing degrees are precisely those whose jumps are at least 0''.
Johanna N.Y. Franklin. "Schnorr triviality and genericity." J. Symbolic Logic 75 (1) 191 - 207, March 2010. https://doi.org/10.2178/jsl/1264433915