If ℱ ⊆ ℕℕ is an analytic family of pairwise eventually different functions then the following strong maximality condition fails: For any countable ℌ⊆ ℕℕ, no member of which is covered by finitely many functions from ℱ, there is f ∈ ℱ such that for all h∈ ℌ there are infinitely many integers k such that f(k) = h(k). However if V=L then there exists a coanalytic family of pairwise eventually different functions satisfying this strong maximality condition.
Bart Kastermans. Juris Steprāns. Yi Zhang. "Analytic and coanalytic families of almost disjoint functions." J. Symbolic Logic 73 (4) 1158 - 1172, December 2008. https://doi.org/10.2178/jsl/1230396911