September 2007 An algebraic characterization of equivalent preferential models
Rong Zhang, Zhaohui Zhu
J. Symbolic Logic 72(3): 803-833 (September 2007). DOI: 10.2178/jsl/1191333843


Preferential model is one of the important semantical structures in nonmonotonic logic. This paper aims to establish an isomorphism theorem for preferential models, which gives us a purely algebraic characterization of the equivalence of preferential models. To this end, we present the notions of local similarity and local simulation. Based on these notions, two operators Δ(·) and μ(·) over preferential models are introduced and explored respectively. Together with other two existent operators ρ(·) and ΠD(·), we introduce an operator ∂D(·). Then the isomorphism theorem is obtained in terms of ∂D(·), which asserts that for any two preferential models M1 and M2, they generate the same preferential inference if and only if ∂D(M1) and ∂D(M2) are isomorphic. Based on ∂D(·), we also get an alternative model-theoretical characterization of the well-known postulate Weaken Disjunctive Rationality. Moreover, in the finite language framework, we show that Δ(μ(·)) is competent for the task of eliminating redundancy, and provide a representation result for k-relations.


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Rong Zhang. Zhaohui Zhu. "An algebraic characterization of equivalent preferential models." J. Symbolic Logic 72 (3) 803 - 833, September 2007.


Published: September 2007
First available in Project Euclid: 2 October 2007

zbMATH: 1203.03043
MathSciNet: MR2354902
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2178/jsl/1191333843

Keywords: model-theoretical properties , nonmonotonic logic , preferential model

Rights: Copyright © 2007 Association for Symbolic Logic


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Vol.72 • No. 3 • September 2007
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