Open Access
2016 A criterion for isomorphism of Artinian Gorenstein algebras
A.V. Isaev
J. Commut. Algebra 8(1): 89-111 (2016). DOI: 10.1216/JCA-2016-8-1-89


Let $A$ be an Artinian Gorenstein algebra over an infinite field~$k$ of characteristic either 0 or greater than the socle degree of $A$. To every such algebra and a linear projection $\pi $ on its maximal ideal $\mathfrak {m}$ with range equal to the socle $\Soc (A)$ of $A$, one can associate a certain algebraic hypersurface $S_{\pi }\subset \mathfrak {m}$, which is the graph of a polynomial map $P_{\pi }:\ker \pi \to \Soc (A)\simeq k$. Recently, the following surprising criterion has been obtained: two Artinian Gorenstein algebras $A$, $\widetilde {A}$ are isomorphic if and only if any two hypersurfaces $S_{\pi }$ and $S_{\tilde {\pi }}$ arising from $A$ and $\widetilde {A}$, respectively, are affinely equivalent. The proof is indirect and relies on a geometric argument. In the present paper, we give a short algebraic proof of this statement. We also discuss a connection, established elsewhere, between the polynomials $P_{\pi }$ and Macaulay inverse systems.


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A.V. Isaev. "A criterion for isomorphism of Artinian Gorenstein algebras." J. Commut. Algebra 8 (1) 89 - 111, 2016.


Published: 2016
First available in Project Euclid: 28 March 2016

zbMATH: 1338.13044
MathSciNet: MR3482348
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/JCA-2016-8-1-89

Primary: 13H10

Keywords: Artinian Gorenstein algebras

Rights: Copyright © 2016 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.8 • No. 1 • 2016
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