Open Access
2009 Discrete Morse Functions from Fourier Transforms
Alexander Engström
Experiment. Math. 18(1): 45-54 (2009).


A discrete Morse function on a simplicial complex describes how to construct a homotopy-equivalent CW-complex with possibly fewer cells. We associate a Boolean function with a given simplicial complex and construct a discrete Morse function using its Fourier transform.

Methods from theoretical computer science by O’Donnell, Saks, Schramm, and Servedio, together with experimental data on complexes from Hachimori’s library and on chessboard complexes, provide some evidence that the constructed discrete Morse functions are efficient.


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Alexander Engström. "Discrete Morse Functions from Fourier Transforms." Experiment. Math. 18 (1) 45 - 54, 2009.


Published: 2009
First available in Project Euclid: 27 May 2009

zbMATH: 1177.57022
MathSciNet: MR2548985

Primary: 57Q99
Secondary: 42B10 , 57R70

Keywords: Boolean functions , discrete Morse theory , Fourier transforms , simplicial complexes

Rights: Copyright © 2009 A K Peters, Ltd.

Vol.18 • No. 1 • 2009
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