Open Access
2007 Needlet algorithms for estimation in inverse problems
Gérard Kerkyacharian, Pencho Petrushev, Dominique Picard, Thomas Willer
Electron. J. Statist. 1: 30-76 (2007). DOI: 10.1214/07-EJS014


We provide a new algorithm for the treatment of inverse problems which combines the traditional SVD inversion with an appropriate thresholding technique in a well chosen new basis. Our goal is to devise an inversion procedure which has the advantages of localization and multiscale analysis of wavelet representations without losing the stability and computability of the SVD decompositions. To this end we utilize the construction of localized frames (termed “needlets”) built upon the SVD bases.

We consider two different situations: the “wavelet” scenario, where the needlets are assumed to behave similarly to true wavelets, and the “Jacobi-type” scenario, where we assume that the properties of the frame truly depend on the SVD basis at hand (hence on the operator). To illustrate each situation, we apply the estimation algorithm respectively to the deconvolution problem and to the Wicksell problem. In the latter case, where the SVD basis is a Jacobi polynomial basis, we show that our scheme is capable of achieving rates of convergence which are optimal in the L2 case, we obtain interesting rates of convergence for other Lp norms which are new (to the best of our knowledge) in the literature, and we also give a simulation study showing that the NEED-D estimator outperforms other standard algorithms in almost all situations.


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Gérard Kerkyacharian. Pencho Petrushev. Dominique Picard. Thomas Willer. "Needlet algorithms for estimation in inverse problems." Electron. J. Statist. 1 30 - 76, 2007.


Published: 2007
First available in Project Euclid: 27 April 2007

zbMATH: 1320.62072
MathSciNet: MR2312145
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/07-EJS014

Primary: 62G05 , 62G20
Secondary: 65J20

Keywords: minimax estimation , second-generation wavelets , Statistical inverse problems

Rights: Copyright © 2007 The Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the Bernoulli Society

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