We consider the Fisher–Snedecor diffusion; that is, the Kolmogorov–Pearson diffusion with the Fisher–Snedecor invariant distribution. In the nonstationary setting, we give explicit quantitative rates for the convergence rate of respective finite-dimensional distributions to that of the stationary Fisher–Snedecor diffusion, and for the $\beta$-mixing coefficient of this diffusion. As an application, we prove the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem for additive functionals of the Fisher–Snedecor diffusion and construct $P$-consistent and asymptotically normal estimators for the parameters of this diffusion given its nonstationary observation.
A.M. Kulik. N.N. Leonenko. "Ergodicity and mixing bounds for the Fisher–Snedecor diffusion." Bernoulli 19 (5B) 2294 - 2329, November 2013. https://doi.org/10.3150/12-BEJ453