Open Access
February 2008 On the stability of the quadratic equation on groups
Valeriĭ A. Faĭziev, Prasanna K. Sahoo
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 15(1): 135-151 (February 2008). DOI: 10.36045/bbms/1203692452


In this paper the stability of the quadratic equation is considered on arbitrary groups. Since the quadratic equation is stable on Abelian groups, this paper examines the stability of the quadratic equation on noncommutative groups. It is shown that the quadratic equation is stable on $n$-Abelian groups when $n$ is a positive integer. The stability of the quadratic equation is also established on the noncommutative group $T(2, K)$, where $K$ is an arbitrary commutative field. It is proved that every group can be embedded into a group in which the quadratic equation is stable.


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Valeriĭ A. Faĭziev. Prasanna K. Sahoo. "On the stability of the quadratic equation on groups." Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 15 (1) 135 - 151, February 2008.


Published: February 2008
First available in Project Euclid: 22 February 2008

zbMATH: 1183.39018
MathSciNet: MR2406092
Digital Object Identifier: 10.36045/bbms/1203692452

Primary: 20M15 , 20M30 , 39B82

Keywords: $n$-Abelian group , ‎Banach spaces , pseudoquadratic map , quadratic functional equation , quadratic map , quasiquadratic map , semidirect product of groups , stability of quadratic functional equation , wreath product of groups

Rights: Copyright © 2008 The Belgian Mathematical Society

Vol.15 • No. 1 • February 2008
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