Open Access
July, 1979 Time Series Prediction Functions Based on Imprecise Observations
Lawrence Peele, George Kimeldorf
Ann. Statist. 7(4): 801-811 (July, 1979). DOI: 10.1214/aos/1176344730


Let $T \subseteq I$ be sets of real numbers. Let $\{Y(t): t\in I\}$ be a real time series whose covariance kernel is assumed known and positive definite. The mean is assumed either to be known or to be an unknown member of a known class of functions on $I$. For each fixed $s\in I, Y(s)$ is predicted by a minimum mean square error unbiased linear predictor $\hat{Y}(s)$ based on $\{Y(t): t\in T\}$. If $\hat{y}(s)$ is the evaluation of $\hat{Y}(s)$ given that the sample path for $\{Y(t): t\in T\}$ is an unknown element of a known collection of functions on $T$, then $\hat{y}(s)$ is a prediction for $Y(s)$ and the function $\hat{y}$ is called a prediction function. Mean-estimation functions are defined similarly. For certain prediction problems based on imprecise observations, characterizations are obtained for these functions in terms of the covariance structure of the process. For a particular prediction problem $\hat{y}$ is shown to be a spline function interpolating a convex set.


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Lawrence Peele. George Kimeldorf. "Time Series Prediction Functions Based on Imprecise Observations." Ann. Statist. 7 (4) 801 - 811, July, 1979.


Published: July, 1979
First available in Project Euclid: 12 April 2007

zbMATH: 0417.62070
MathSciNet: MR532244
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aos/1176344730

Primary: 62M10
Secondary: 41A15

Keywords: imprecise observations , mean-estimation functions , Prediction functions , Spline functions , time series

Rights: Copyright © 1979 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.7 • No. 4 • July, 1979
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