Open Access
October 1998 The sample autocorrelations of heavy-tailed processes with applications to ARCH
Richard A. Davis, Thomas Mikosch
Ann. Statist. 26(5): 2049-2080 (October 1998). DOI: 10.1214/aos/1024691368


We study the sample ACVF and ACF of a general stationary sequence under a weak mixing condition and in the case that the marginal distributions are regularly varying. This includes linear and bilinear processes with regularly varying noise and ARCH processes, their squares and absolute values. We show that the distributional limits of the sample ACF can be random, provided that the variance of the marginal distribution is infinite and the process is nonlinear. This is in contrast to infinite variance linear processes. If the process has a finite second but infinite fourth moment, then the sample ACF is consistent with scaling rates that grow at a slower rate than the standard $\sqrt{n}$. Consequently, asymptotic confidence bands are wider than those constructed in the classical theory. We demonstrate the theory in full detail for an ARCH (1) process.


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Richard A. Davis. Thomas Mikosch. "The sample autocorrelations of heavy-tailed processes with applications to ARCH." Ann. Statist. 26 (5) 2049 - 2080, October 1998.


Published: October 1998
First available in Project Euclid: 21 June 2002

zbMATH: 0929.62092
MathSciNet: MR1673289
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aos/1024691368

Primary: 62M10
Secondary: 60G10 , 60G55 , 60G70 , 62G20 , 62P05

Keywords: ARCH , finance , heavy tail , Markov chain , mixing condition , multivariate regular variation , point process , sample autocorrelation , sample autocovariance , stationary process , vague convergence

Rights: Copyright © 1998 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.26 • No. 5 • October 1998
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