The conformal loop ensemble $\operatorname{CLE}_{\kappa}$ with parameter $8/3<\kappa<8$ is the canonical conformally invariant measure on countably infinite collections of noncrossing loops in a simply connected domain. Given $\kappa$ and $\nu$, we compute the almost-sure Hausdorff dimension of the set of points $z$ for which the number of CLE loops surrounding the disk of radius $\varepsilon $ centered at $z$ has asymptotic growth $\nu\log(1/\varepsilon )$ as $\varepsilon \to0$. By extending these results to a setting in which the loops are given i.i.d. weights, we give a CLE-based treatment of the extremes of the Gaussian free field.
Jason Miller. Samuel S. Watson. David B. Wilson. "Extreme nesting in the conformal loop ensemble." Ann. Probab. 44 (2) 1013 - 1052, March 2016. https://doi.org/10.1214/14-AOP995