We consider a nearest-neighbor, one dimensional random walk {Xn}n≥0 in a random i.i.d. environment, in the regime where the walk is transient but with zero speed, so that Xn is of order ns for some s<1. Under the quenched law (i.e., conditioned on the environment), we show that no limit laws are possible: There exist sequences {nk} and {xk} depending on the environment only, such that Xnk−xk=o(log nk)2 (a localized regime). On the other hand, there exist sequences {tm} and {sm} depending on the environment only, such that logsm/log tm→s<1 and Pω(Xtm/sm≤x)→1/2 for all x>0 and →0 for x≤0 (a spread out regime).
Jonathon Peterson. Ofer Zeitouni. "Quenched limits for transient, zero speed one-dimensional random walk in random environment." Ann. Probab. 37 (1) 143 - 188, January 2009. https://doi.org/10.1214/08-AOP399