Under the condition that the minimal sufficient statistics are transitive, the sequence of Rao-Blackwell estimators of distribution function has been shown to form a reverse martingale sequence. Weak convergence of the corresponding empirical process to a Gaussian process has been established by assuming that the sufficient statistics are $U$-statistics and utilizing certain results on the convergence of conditional expectations of functions of $U$-statistics along with the functional central limit theorems for (reverse) martingales by Loynes (1970) and Brown (1971).
B. B. Bhattacharyya. P. K. Sen. "Weak Convergence of the Rao-Blackwell Estimator of a Distribution Function." Ann. Probab. 5 (3) 500 - 510, June, 1977. https://doi.org/10.1214/aop/1176995813