The concept of local nondeterminism introduced by Berman is generalized and applied to divided difference sequences generated by a Gaussian process. The resulting estimates are then used to find simple sufficient conditions for the finiteness of the moments of the number of crossings of level zero. In particular it is shown that under mild regularity conditions very little more is required to make all moments finite when the variance is finite. The results are extended to curves $\xi \in \mathscr{L}_2\lbrack 0, T\rbrack$. Finally examples are given in which the variance is finite but the third moment is infinite.
Jack Cuzick. "Local Nondeterminism and the Zeros of Gaussian Processes." Ann. Probab. 6 (1) 72 - 84, February, 1978. https://doi.org/10.1214/aop/1176995611