Let Xi, i∈N, be i.i.d. B-valued random variables, where B is a real separable Banach space. Let Φ be a smooth enough mapping from B into R. An asymptotic evaluation of Zn=E(exp(nΦ(∑i=1nXi/n))), up to a factor (1+o(1)), has been gotten in Bolthausen [Probab. Theory Related Fields 72 (1986) 305–318] and Kusuoka and Liang [Probab. Theory Related Fields 116 (2000) 221–238]. In this paper, a detailed asymptotic expansion of Zn as n→∞ is given, valid to all orders, and with control on remainders. The results are new even in finite dimensions.
Sergio Albeverio. Song Liang. "Asymptotic expansions for the Laplace approximations of sums of Banach space-valued random variables." Ann. Probab. 33 (1) 300 - 336, January 2005. https://doi.org/10.1214/009117904000001017