It is generally believed that bias is minimized in well-controlled randomized clinical trials. However, bias can arise in active controlled noninferiority trials because the inference relies on a previously estimated effect size obtained from a historical trial that may have been conducted for a different population. By implementing a likelihood reweighting method through propensity scoring, a study designed to estimate a treatment effect in one trial population can be used to estimate the treatment effect size in a different target population. We illustrate this method in active controlled noninferiority trials, although it can also be used in other types of studies, such as historically controlled trials, meta-analyses, and comparative effectiveness analyses.
Lei Nie. Zhiwei Zhang. Daniel Rubin. Jianxiong Chu. "Likelihood reweighting methods to reduce potential bias in noninferiority trials which rely on historical data to make inference." Ann. Appl. Stat. 7 (3) 1796 - 1813, September 2013. https://doi.org/10.1214/13-AOAS655