We present a new joint longitudinal and survival model aimed at estimating the association between the risk of an event and the change in and history of a biomarker that is repeatedly measured over time. We use cubic B-splines models for the longitudinal component that lend themselves to straight-forward formulations of the slope and integral of the trajectory of the biomarker. The model is applied to data collected in a long term follow-up study of HIV infected infants in Uganda. Estimation is carried out using MCMC methods. We also explore using the deviance information criteria, the conditional predictive ordinate and ROC curves for model selection and evaluation.
Elizabeth R. Brown. "Assessing the association between trends in a biomarker and risk of event with an application in pediatric HIV/AIDS." Ann. Appl. Stat. 3 (3) 1163 - 1182, September 2009. https://doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS251