For a semi-martingale $X_{t}$, which forms a stochastic boundary, a rate-optimal estimator for its quadratic variation $\langle X,X\rangle_{t}$ is constructed based on observations in the vicinity of $X_{t}$. The problem is embedded in a Poisson point process framework, which reveals an interesting connection to the theory of Brownian excursion areas. We derive $n^{-1/3}$ as optimal convergence rate in a high-frequency framework with $n$ observations (in mean). We discuss a potential application for the estimation of the integrated squared volatility of an efficient price process $X_{t}$ from intra-day order book quotes.
Markus Bibinger. Moritz Jirak. Markus Reiß. "Volatility estimation under one-sided errors with applications to limit order books." Ann. Appl. Probab. 26 (5) 2754 - 2790, October 2016. https://doi.org/10.1214/15-AAP1161