This paper proves a Berry–Esseen theorem for sample quantiles of strongly-mixing random variables under a polynomial mixing rate. The rate of normal approximation is shown to be O(n−1/2) as n→∞, where n denotes the sample size. This result is in sharp contrast to the case of the sample mean of strongly-mixing random variables where the rate O(n−1/2) is not known even under an exponential strong mixing rate. The main result of the paper has applications in finance and econometrics as financial time series data often are heavy-tailed and quantile based methods play an important role in various problems in finance, including hedging and risk management.
S. N. Lahiri. S. Sun. "A Berry–Esseen theorem for sample quantiles under weak dependence." Ann. Appl. Probab. 19 (1) 108 - 126, February 2009. https://doi.org/10.1214/08-AAP533