Consider a random walk S=(Sn:n≥0) that is “perturbed” by a stationary sequence (ξn:n≥0) to produce the process (Sn+ξn:n≥0). This paper is concerned with computing the distribution of the all-time maximum M∞=max {Sk+ξk:k≥0} of perturbed random walk with a negative drift. Such a maximum arises in several different applications settings, including production systems, communications networks and insurance risk. Our main results describe asymptotics for ℙ(M∞>x) as x→∞. The tail asymptotics depend greatly on whether the ξn’s are light-tailed or heavy-tailed. In the light-tailed setting, the tail asymptotic is closely related to the Cramér–Lundberg asymptotic for standard random walk.
Victor F. Araman. Peter W. Glynn. "Tail asymptotics for the maximum of perturbed random walk." Ann. Appl. Probab. 16 (3) 1411 - 1431, August 2006. https://doi.org/10.1214/105051606000000268