We provide a characterization of realisable set covariograms, bringing a rigorous yet abstract solution to the S2 problem in materials science. Our method is based on the covariogram functional for random measurable sets (RAMS) and on a result about the representation of positive operators on a noncompact space. RAMS are an alternative to the classical random closed sets in stochastic geometry and geostatistics, and they provide a weaker framework that allows the manipulation of more irregular functionals, such as the perimeter. We therefore use the illustration provided by the S2 problem to advocate the use of RAMS for solving theoretical problems of a geometric nature. Along the way, we extend the theory of random measurable sets, and in particular the local approximation of the perimeter by local covariograms.
Bruno Galerne. Raphael Lachièze-Rey. "Random measurable sets and covariogram realizability problems." Adv. in Appl. Probab. 47 (3) 611 - 639, September 2015. https://doi.org/10.1239/aap/1444308874