'Small worlds' are large systems in which any given node has only a few connections to other points, but possessing the property that all pairs of points are connected by a short path, typically logarithmic in the number of nodes. The use of random walks for sampling a uniform element from a large state space is by now a classical technique; to prove that such a technique works for a given network, a bound on the mixing time is required. However, little detailed information is known about the behaviour of random walks on small-world networks, though many predictions can be found in the physics literature. The principal contribution of this paper is to show that for a famous small-world random graph model known as the Newman-Watts small-world model, the mixing time is of order log2n. This confirms a prediction of Richard Durrett [5, page 22], who proved a lower bound of order log2n and an upper bound of order log3n.
Louigi Addario-Berry. Tao Lei. "The mixing time of the Newman-Watts small-world model." Adv. in Appl. Probab. 47 (1) 37 - 56, March 2015. https://doi.org/10.1239/aap/1427814580